Ann Griffiths – Author, Speaker, Mentor/Coach

Ann is a speaker and award-winning author with strong leadership insight and a passion to impact future generations. Her education and coaching credentials complement her extensive experience as a coach, mentor, entrepreneur, corporate executive, and ministry leader.

She has formed and led numerous teams, launched effective programs for women, experienced success, lived the difficult sides of business and ministry, and walked the tough roads of life. Yet, Ann has managed these challenges with integrity and courage, while keeping people a priority, mentoring individuals, and building teams that thrive.

Her calm demeanor houses focused energy and a commitment that motivates others to look deep into their own lives, draw out their God-given gifts and abilities, and recognize the profound influence they have on others.

In her “spare” time, Ann plays drums/percussion with orchestras and worship teams, enjoys a wide range of interests, and serves her church as their magazine editor. She lives with her husband in beautiful British Columbia, Canada, treasures time with her two children and their growing families, and values intentional relationships with her friends.