
Resources that make a difference

May you gain value from these resources created to make a difference where you are in your life journey.

  1. Music of the Heart.
    Whether you’re a caregiver to someone you love or grieving a loss, or know someone who is, the songs, scriptures,
    and prompts in this downloadable pdf offer hope and comfort in your grief journey.
    Sign up here to receive Music of the Heart in your inbox
    (If you’re a current newsletter subscriber, please re-optin to receive the downloadable PDF. You will not receive duplicates of my newsletter.)
  2. Leaders Journey.
    This private Facebook Group supports like-minded women in leadership.
    Click here to join us at Leaders Journey
  3. Grief on a Bench.
    Women encourage and comfort one another in this private Facebook group for caregivers and grievers. 
    Click here to join us at Grief on a Bench
  4. How to Handle Grief in a Healthy Way.
    Speaker and author Grace Fox recently chatted with Ann Griffiths about grief and caregiving and her coming book..
    Full interview available here
  5. Encouraging Grandparents
    Ron & Ann Mainse of 100 Huntley Street spoke with Ann about the importance of grandparents in a child’s life.
    Interview available here

    More resources coming soon…